NH Landowners Make Snowmobiling Possible!
Our trails are made possible by the generosity of numerous land owners.
Public use of private land is a privilege. It has been a tradition throughout New Hampshire for landowners to allow use of their land for the recreational pursuits of others.
Property owners have the ability to close trails or sections of trails to accommodate their needs (we must all remember that we are guests on their property).
Please respect the rights of the landowners by staying on the trail and remember to say thank you.
Snowmobile Trails for Winter Use Only
Permission to use snowmobile trails does not extend to ATVs, four-wheelers, motorbikes, mountain bikes, hiking or other uses, unless specifically authorized by the landowner. A snowmobile trail is a trail only during the snow season, any other use can be considered trespassing.
Law Protects Landowners
New Hampshire property owners should be aware of the State of New Hampshire RSA’s (Revised Statutes Annotated) that cover diverse uses of property ranging from collecting firewood to Off Highway Recreational Vehicles.
These laws have been challenged in the courts and to date remain intact, affording the landowner liability protection under state statutes.